The JNMS welcomes high-quality original papers and the state-of-arts surveys in all areas of applied and pure mathematics. The authors should have justified that the outcome they claim really contribute to mathematical sciences analytically or in applications to real-life. Theoretical as well as computational results are equally acceptable.
The authors are advised to limit the paper length up to 20 pages including the clearly drawn Latex figures and tables as mentioned in the paper Template. However, substantial deviations from the page limit require that the referees, editor, and editor-in-chief be convinced that the increased length be essential for the submitted manuscript.
Submission of a manuscript to the JNMS should be explicitly authenticated by the corresponding author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Papers included in a conference proceeding should be clearly mentioned and cited.
Papers authored by the editorial board members will be edited by an area editor directed by the editor-in-chief and papers authored by the editor-in-chief itself will be handled by specific area expert of the editorial board.