Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society (JNMS)
Developing the Society Through Mathematical Research

A Biannual Peer Reviewed Research Journal
The Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society is now available on NepJOL
[Double Star (**) rated from Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) framework]

ISSN: 2616-0153 (Print) ISSN: 2616-0161 (Online)


Manuscript Preparation Process


Authors should submit a LATEX (For Latex Template Click Here ...) produced PDF file of their manuscript to JNMS. Only electronic submissions through emails are accepted, but the hard-copies are not accepted. Paper lengths are limited to 20 pages including all figures and tables. However, this can be extended with the acceptances of the respective referees, communicating editor and the editor-in-chief respecting the standard of the journal.

At the time of submission, authors are advised to include the list of 3-5 panelists of experts; however, the editors may have their own choice for the referees. Submissions authored by the editorial board members will be directed to the editor-in-chief and papers authored by the editor-in-chief itself should be submitted to the area specific member of the editorial board. 

All submissions and related correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Narayan Prasad Pahari
Central  Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal

This is peer-reviewed open-excess journal free of any charge for authors and readers. At the end of the review process, the editor immediately informs the author about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. On acceptance, the author is expected to incorporate the modifications suggested by the reviewers (if any) and submit a soft copy (both .tex and .pdf files and all figures) of the final revised manuscript to the editor in communication.

NMS. All Rights Reserved.