Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society (JNMS)
Developing the Society Through Mathematical Research

A Biannual Peer Reviewed Research Journal
The Journal of Nepal Mathematical Society is now available on NepJOL
[Double Star (**) rated from Journal Publishing Practices and Standards (JPPS) framework]

ISSN: 2616-0153 (Print) ISSN: 2616-0161 (Online)


Review Policy


Only the manuscript electronically submitted to JNMS through the editor-in-chief will be processed for further review process.  Submissions to the JNMS authored by the editorial board members will be directed to the editor-in-chief who proceeds for the further review process. However, the papers authored by the editor-in-chief itself should be submitted to the area specific member of the editorial board who directly proceeds for the review process. 

Hard-copy submissions will not be considered for further evaluation. As soon as a board member in the respective areas of research accepts the request, the editor-in-chief will direct the manuscript to him/her for further review process. The authors will be acknowledged the recipient of submitted manuscript. The communicating editor has a right to communicate back to the chief-in-editor that the manuscript is not within the aim and scope of the journal and be rejected, or should be rewritten and resubmitted for further review process or forward for the review process.

If the manuscript is forwarded for the review process, the authors will be notified by the communication editor for the specific purpose.  The reviewing processes will be informed to the corresponding author by the communicating editor.  The communicating editor associated for a specific manuscript will proceed forward for further evaluation process within the list of experts recommended by the author itself or any other independently. The editor will assign two to three referees for reviewing the manuscript. The same rule applies to the papers authored by the editor-in-chief and editorial board members.

Generally, paper lengths are limited to 20 pages including all figures and tables. However, this can be extended with the acceptances of the respective referees, communicating editor and the editor-in-chief. The submitted manuscript should meet the standard of the JNMS.

The evaluation process does not automatically mean that the paper should be accepted. The reviewers will write a report to the communicating editors as their recommendations accepted or  to be accepted with minor revision or to be considered with major revision or be rejected lacking the standard of the journal. The final recommendations made by the communicating editor will be forwarded to the editor-in-chief and the authors will be informed accordingly.

It is planned that the overall review process will be completed within three months of a submission. The communicating editors and the referees will be requested and reminded accordingly. The reviewers are informed about the authors through the paper submission; however, authors do not know the reviewers.

The submitted manuscript can be withdrawn if authors request it with sufficient reason and the paper is not forwarded to a reviewer yet. Authors may also claim for withdrawal in case the review process fails to complete even after extended time periods.

Journal's Plagiarism Policy

Authors are requested to send the manuscript after Plagiarism Checker. Before publication, JNMS will also check the plagiarism and authors may need to revise the manuscript to ensure it to be below 20 percent.

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